Welcome to the real world….


I blog about men’s rights, marriage, relationships, women, sex, and family on:  Married Red Pill devoted to advising men in marriage.

I started this WordPress page to introduce my book:

Saving a Low Sex Marriage:  A Man’s Guide To Dread, Seduction and the Long Game

Click the link to order the book RIGHT NOW! This book is a massive tome with over 300 pages and more than 240 footnotes that link you directly to important and informative resources.  Just $5.99 on Kindle.

Try the text link below if your software blocks the link:

Saving a Low Sex Marriage: A Man’s Guide to Dread, Seduction and the Long Game

This book and the podcast series that follows in this post is the work of many thousands of men over many thousands of failed trials and terrible errors.  We picked out what works, and stopped doing what doesn’t work.  In this basic class we explore and apply the science of social media and behavioral observation to the problem of improving your life and marriage.  In particular, the praexology of Married Red Pill is effective in resolving the distressingly common “Low Sex Marriage” caused by a withdrawing wife.

Read my book and study the other books below and then join us on the blog for further discussion and to tell your story.

You would be right to ask WHY DOES THIS WORK?  The answer is simple.  We have figured out the secret to female attraction.

We have discovered the solution to the problem that motioned by Newton, weighed down Einstein and ran rings around Galileo:




Image result for happy girl in loveImage result for strong man carrying girl_______________________________________________________


Free Audio-Visual Class on Marriage

Short List of Episodes (Links to the free videos follow the “Readings” section below)

  1. Out of the Matrix:  If you are a man in a troubled marriage, join the entire series and stay in wonderland, and I will show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.
  2. Female Attraction: The basics of female attraction. It’s not obvious .
  3. Shit Tests #1– How to recognize them
  4. Shit Tests #2: How to respond to them
  5. Comfort Tests, Alpha, Beta, Omega, and Oak
  6. Frame: The indefatigable you at your best
  7. Wife Seduction #1: The Basics of Seduction
  8. Wife Seduction#2: Building your Seductive frame
  9. The Shit Test/Comfort Test Game and Displays of Value #1
  10. Displays of Value #2: General Principles of High and Low Value
  11. The Captain and First Officer Relationship: The Frame of Marriage
  12. The Drunk Captain: Recovering from a multi-year bender of beta
  13. The Married Red Pill Sidebar: Overview– These books will change your life but you have to take the time to study them
  14. No More Mr. Nice Guy
  15. Married Man’s Sex Life Primer- Part 1:
  16. Married Man’s Sex Life Primer- Part 2
  17. When I say No I feel Guilty: Problems Communicating? No problem.
  18. Game– Behaviors that get you laid.
  19. Dread Game 1: Introduction
  20. Dread Game 2: The 12 Steps of Dread
  21. Dread Game 3: Active Dread and Ultimatums




1. Out of the Matrix: The first Married Red Pill Video

In this first ever Video in the first ever Video series explaining “Red Pill” tactics in marriage, I teach a beginners basic level class on the Red Pill. While I rant and rage in this video, It provides a decent introduction to the praexeology and theory.

If you are a man in a troubled marriage, join the entire series and stay in wonderland, and I will show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.



2. Female Attraction

The basics of female attraction. It’s not as obvious as you might think.



I talk about this excellent book in this podcast: A Billion Wicked Thoughts


3. How To Recognize Female Shit Tests

We learn how to identify this dreaded and ubiquitous female behavior.



4. How to Respond to Female Shit Tests

Start doing this regularly and be prepared for your life to change very quickly.



5. Comfort Tests, Alpha, Beta, Omega and Oak

Key terms you must understand for your journey.



6. Frame

The indefatigable you at your best



7. Wife Seduction

The Basics of Seduction



8: Wife Seduction Part 2: The Art of Building Your Seductive Frame

Building your Seductive frame



9: Displays of Value and The Shit Test or Comfort Test Game

Becoming attractive and my wife makes a cameo to help us distinguish Shit Tests and comfort tests



10: Displays of High and Low Value Part 2: General Principles

General Principles of High and Low Value



11: The Captain and First Officer Relationship: The Frame of Marriage

In which we learn of Starships, Captains, and First Officers- and what all of that might have to do with a successful marriage.



12: The Drunk Captain

In which we consider the special but very common case of the drunk captain who has been derelict in his duties.



13.  The Married Red Pill Sidebar Overview

These books on the sidebar will change your life but you have to take the time to study them


14_No More Mr. Nice Guy

The book that started it all. Nice guys, covert contracts, and more. This is REQUIRED reading for a reason.



15 Married Man’s Ses Life Primer Part 1

The masterpiece by Athol Kay on how to restore your marriage.

>++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++16 Married Man’s Sex Life Primer Part 2

We continue the analysis of MMSL beginning with sexual judo.


17 When I Say No I Feel Guilty

Problems Communicating? No problem.  Once you have your covert contracts controlled, this book is all you will ever need to know about communicating in marriage!


18 Game

Behaviors that get you laid.


19 Dread Game introduction

In which we learn of “Dread” and why the gift of anxiety could be the best thing you ever gave your wife, and you.



If you want to fix your marriage and support this Married Red Pill Basic Class and these podcasts, please purchase my book above and the recommended books from the links below.  EVERY MARRIED MAN NEEDS TO READ THESE BOOKS.  The first 3 below are REQUIRED reading on the Married Red Pill Sidebar for a very good reason.  These 3 books are the most likely to help a man in a struggling marriage.


Why “Nice Guys” aren’t really nice and what to do with all your Covert Contracts.  This foundational book is covered in Podcast 14.





What you are doing wrong and how to turn on your wife. This book is covered in Podcast 15 & 16 and mentioned in 7 (wife seduction) and 11 (Captain/First Officer).





Communication problems?  No Problem!  Once your covert contracts are in the open, this book explains the language of marriage.  This book is covered in Podcast 17.



Here are some of the other books that are highlighted and sourced in these podcasts:

This is THE book for putting together your action plan.  Where are you in your MAP?






David Dieda delivers and in these books he explains how to be a Superior Man and a Superior Lover with some Tantric Sex shit that will melt your brain.


 The Rational Male and the sequel Preventative Medicine are the intellectual tour-de-force of the manosphere:

Sex God Method is a life changing book- IF you read it at the right time.  In this book, Daniel Rose explains how to, um, handle the fairer sex properly.  We have found that most marriage problems can be solved by learning how to handle  your wife properly.  NEVER start with this book but you can count on ending with it and yes, it is ridiculously expensive and worth every penny.

The 48 Laws of Power and The Art of Seduction (Podcast 8) are masterpieces of the self-improvement genre.







                          Finally, the Carnegie classic is still a must read


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2 thoughts on “Welcome to the real world….

  1. Howdy, Can I ask you a question? I’m with this wonderful woman.. head over heels. Yesterday, I made an innocent joke on messenger: she talked about eating chocolate and stuff, and I said I can see w Whale-WIFE IN THE FUTURE (HER BODY IS AWESOME AND LEAN). She responded by not saying good night and being annoyed all day, only telling me about it the next evening. When I found out, I sort of smiled and said but look I was completely kidding, not serious at all! (I was). She goes it’s not funny, I don’t wanna talk about it now, etc. etc. I get upset and get drawn RIGHT in (mistake??) because I realize something is really wrong and I wanna make it right. Things only get worse, arguing on frigging mesngr. What would be the correct way to handle this, then? Thanks so much for your reply, this woman means a lot to me… Mark


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